June 2021 Update, The Cosmetic Update
Started by StormyIceLeopard

Oh man, has it been a while since you heard something from us. We have been hard at work behind the scenes preparing for the update that took place today. It took us 10 hours to make all the changes we wanted to, and sadly there are still some small details left to be done, but it was worth it.

So what does the average player need to know?


  • Limbo has been removed, no more 1.8-1.15 support.
    • What about EternalIceAge? You can join it using the new IP for that specific server: eia.blizzardcraft.net
      • Do you have other server IPs, like BombBrigaders, NeoTNT, or SMP?
        • No, we do not. If this is something you would like, let us know in our Discord server.
  • ProCosmetics is now available on SMP, BombBrigaders, and NeoTNT!
    • You can now show off the cosmetics you gathered on all servers but EIA, with some exceptions for fair gaming reasons.
    • We also plan to add custom cosmetics. Currently in the works are some custom music, balloons, and statuses. There... may or not be a striving toon coming in the near-future...
  • There is now a PvP (Player vs. Player) arena in Lobby! Find it in the Ice Cave. (It's not looking great right now, we know. It takes time and it will be worked on throughout the week.)
  • There are now messages to inform users where they come from and where they are going.
    • Let's say you are on BombBrigaders and another player joins, in the chat it will say what server they came from, for example they could have come from Lobby or NeoTNT.
    • Let's say you are on Lobby and your friend joins, but then quickly leaves. There will be a message in chat saying where they went, such as they went to SMP.

Wow, it took you 10 hours to do just that?

No no, we did so much more behind the scenes. We cannot reveal too much for specific reasons, but here is what we can tell you:

  • We updated most, if not all, our plugins.
  • We updated the server build numbers to be more stable and secure.
  • We debugged and tested new features, such as Cosmetics on SMP, NeoTNT and BombBrigaders alongside the new PvP arena in Lobby.
  • We made our network more secure by porting everything through our Anti-DDoS server and closing previous routes.
    • As far as we know, nothing should be broken. If something is not working as intended, please let us know in our Discord.
  • We've improved the join & quit messages (Except for BB. They're still a WIP) as well as an introduction by Ice Guardian!
  • Regular updates and patches for our chat filter is planned to resume sometime in Early July. Plugins and how they function... Such a mysterious wonder...
  • We added new administration and moderation tools to help our staff keep BCN a family friendly place.
  • We improved our process of testing and evaluating interested builders.

Believe us when we say, we wish we could live stream what we do behind the scenes. Sadly, we cannot. If we did, that would put our network in a vulnerable position. Sadly, much must remain on a need-to-know basis.

Is this all you have to share?

Actually, no. We got a few more small things we would like to inform you about:

  • We are working on a new area in Lobby about the story of BCN!
    • Sadly, without the original builder still with us, it is slow going. We are trying hard to keep the same feel and since no one currently on staff is a "great" builder, this could take an unknown amount of time.
  • We are working to bring the donation store back.
  • We are currently waiting for our website CMS (Content Management System), NamelessMC, theme to be updated. Once that happens, we will undergo further maintenance to update that.
  • We are also considering a referral system for both our Discord and Minecraft networks.
    • We are still currently unsure how this will work, but we are looking into it. We want to reward those who help make BCN grow, and reward those who are invited.

Phew, that was a lot to read. We hope it was not too long though.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve, grow, and learn. We are still looking for staff to help us out. At the time of writing we still need Minecraft Helpers, Discord Helpers, Minecraft Builders, and Minecraft Plugin Developers. All jobs are on a volunteer basis, meaning no pay.

Okay, it is time to stop typing and let everyone have fun. Go enjoy our network, it's up and running and waiting for players just like you.

Stay safe everyone and have fun!

P.S. If there was anything forgotten, I am pretty sure @SmashbrosThe3rd will inform me. You will either see this post updated or a reply down below.

P.S.S. Yeah yeah, everyone knows the drill. I come in and fix things, throw in the occasional meme or two and overall have a fantastic time. We aren't done yet! Stay tuned...

Over 3 years agoLast edited: over 3 years ago